Contributions & Charges

The South Halls Head Primary School Board has endorsed the following schedule of Contributions and Charges for 2025.

Voluntary Contributions

Financial support by parents plays a significant role in providing resources that extend the school’s capacity to add value to the learning experiences of students. We aim to keep parent contributions as low and equitable as possible, as outlined in the Education Act1999 and Department of Education policy. The 2025 contributions and charges schedule estimates are set at the upper limit and will not exceed this amount. The Finance Committee and School Board have approved this schedule. 

The voluntary contributions are $60 per child. Maximum cost for families with three or more children is $150.

Extra Charges and Other Costs Options

These charges cover activities such as excursions/incursions, swimming lessons and camp. It may also include some other non-curriculum activities for selected students only such as Instrumental Music. Please note: Student participation is conditional of payment and parental permissions

Personal Items

This list covers items of a personal nature, i.e., pens/pencils/scrapbooks for student use during the course of their learning program. Parents may purchase these items from their chosen retailer or use Campion Education, our nominated school supplier, who provide a cost effective and convenient method of sourcing all your requirements, with delivery direct to your home at a low cost. The quantities provided are a guide for use over the course of the year. You are encouraged to consider using existing stationery and purchase as required in the event of additional use or loss. The school receives a small commission from Campion Education for each order received. If you wish your order to be processed by Campion Education, please complete via the online ordering platform. Parents are under no obligation to buy from Campion Education.


How to pay 

· pay your Voluntary Contribution directly through your Compass Parent Portal immediately using Visa or Mastercard.

· pay via Campion Education on the student personal item list.

· direct deposit – electronic funds transfer


South Halls Head Primary School

BSB: 016 745

Account No. 4887 36686

Please ensure your payment is identified by your child’s name.

Payment also accepted by Credit Card/EFTPOS (EFTPOS FACILITY AVAILABLE)


Any absences need to be advised to the school. Please let us know via COMPASS if your child will be away from school.